Saturday, January 05, 2019

New Year's in the Keys 2018-19

It has been a few years, but we returned to Key West for a New Year Celebration Spectacular.  It was glorious!!!  The weather and company could not have been finer.

We drove thru the Florida Everglades and snapped some photos of the local fauna.  Below are a couple of simple watercolors I did based on those photos in my Strathmore watercolor journal (5.5x8.5 inch; 140 lbs paper).  I tried out a new technique to try and improve my color mixing.  I think I nailed it with the gator!!  I have a few other gator photos that I might try to paint.

                                                           "Egret study #1"

                                                  "Submerged Gator"

                                               "Egret study #2"

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